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Haley House is a halfway house for individuals coming out of federal prison who are palliative or struggle with significant health concerns. This home, founded by Dan Haley in 2016, can provide housing for up to 10 individuals at a time.


Residents at Haley House are supervised twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. Our staff support tenants in developing re-integration action plans that reflect conditions placed on them by parole, while providing one on one support when necessary. 


In addition, volunteers provide community connection and informal supports to those living at Haley House.


Canada is currently faced with a crisis of care in federal correctional facilities as more individuals in prison are aged 50 or older than ever before. Common health concerns in institutions include heart and lung issues, cancer, diabetes, dementia and neurological disorders. In addition, many incarcerated people also suffer from mental health issues that may worsen overall health outcomes while incarcerated.  Most federal correction institutions cannot meet the demands for medical care posed by the aging offender population.


Haley House addresses this significant gap in services by offering services that assist older and ailing men with support at end of life while maintaining the safety and security of the community. Our goal is to ensure that this population receives consistent medical care in a safe, secure facility.

In order to reside at Haley House, individuals go through a lengthy vetting process that includes being assessed by the CAT (Community Assessment Team). The CAT includes representatives from community stakeholders including police, parole and health services, and assesses each referral based on our ability to manage both their needs and the risk they pose to the community. Most importantly, Haley House provides an aging population with the opportunity to die with dignity in a facility that respects the security of its residents and the safety of the greater Peterborough community.



We have recently purchased a house!


This will eventually become a Transition Home for folks transitioning out of the prison system. Demolition has just wrapped up and we're on to the reconstruction of walls to widen

hallways, constructing an additional bathroom, interconnected alarms for fire code compliance, and a

new window installation.


We are excited about this expansion to our housing program!


Consider donating to support our Reintegrative Housing program - Here

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